Translate mango is our national fruit in Kannada.
It is a seasonal fruit with each mango weighing between 150g and 300g each. This variety of mango has a very short season of about two-four months from the end of March till end June when the monsoon sets in the Konkan Region. Desai Bandhu Ambewale is the India’s first and only brand for Alphonso mangoes and its allied mango products.
Mango tree. Mango is commonly known as the king of fruits and belongs to the genus Mangifera, which consists of numerous species that bear edible fruits in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae (cashew family). Mango is one of my favorite fruits, as the pulp of the fruit and its juice provide instant energy during the desert-like summer months in India.
The mango is the national fruit of India, Pakistan and the Philippines. It is also the national tree of Bangladesh. In India and several other cultures the mango fruit and leaves are ritually used as floral decorations at weddings, public celebrations and religious ceremonies. Giving someone a basket of mangoes is considered a gesture of.
India is a country of Asia.It has an area of 3,287,263 square kilometres (1,269,219 sq mi). It is at the center of South Asia.India has more than 1.2 billion (1,210,000,000) people, which is the second largest population in the world. It is the seventh largest country in the world by area and the largest country in South Asia.It is also the most populous democracy in the world.
There are many essays on the Festivals of India written in Kannada language. They can be found in various museums and libraries in India. Asked in Essays, Hindi Language and Culture.
National Fruit of India - Mango - Designated as the King of all fruits by Indians since long, ripe fleshy mangoes are certainly very tasty. The raw ones can be used to make spicy pickles that are an important part of Indian cuisine. Belonging to the Mangifera indica species, mangoes are native to India and are the most cultivated fruits of the tropical world.
The National Flower 'Lotus' or water lily is an aquatic plant of Nymphaea species with broad floating leaves and bright aromatic flowers that grow only in shallow waters. The leaves and flowers of the Lotus float and have long stems that contain air spaces in them.