The Hayesbrook School - Show My Homework.
HOMEWORK. Yr 1, Mrs Smith: Home learning will comprise of weekly reading and maths based activities. There will also occasionally be topic based home learning. Home learning folders will go home on a Thursday and should return to school by the following Tuesday. Yr 2, Mrs Corallo and Mrs Nicolet: Homework will be regularly set on Thursday for completion on the following Tuesday.
Introduction for Parents. Make sure to download the Show My Homework App, for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android Devices.
Saint Mary - Sacred Heart School. 57 Richards Ave; N. Attleboro, MA 02760; Phone: 508-695-3072; Fax: 508-695-9074; Catholic Schools Alliance.
St John XXIII Catholic Primary School. Grateful Compassionate Loving Faith-filled Truthful Learned Active Intentional.
Rationale. The staff and Governors of St Joseph’s acknowledge, and wish to emphasise the value of home learning which is used to consolidate and extend classroom learning. Broad Guidelines: Home learning is essential and is not optional. Parents and children are informed of home learning routines. Parents are informed if children regularly do not bring home learning into school on time.
Homework. Homework Policy. We have reviewed our previous homework policy in order to respond to parental feedback regarding the existing system. In particular, our aim is to make homework consistent for students in a Key Stage whichever class they may be in, and to ensure that the homework that is set is a meaningful and productive exercise which enhances their progress and understanding of.
Sir John Hunt Computing Homework. Home About Contact Click here for Mr Benney's Computing Homework.