Essay on Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects and Prevention.
Noise Pollution Essay: Noise pollution can affect our communication, our capacity of hearing and our health and behaviour. If a person is exposed to loud noises for long period, there may be significant permanent loss of hearing. Most investigation has shown that loud noise can create anxiety and stress; and in extreme cases, fright. The psychologist tells us that when the noise level goes up.
Noise pollution, also known as environmental noise or sound pollution, is the propagation of noise with ranging impacts on the activity of human or animal life, most of them harmful to a degree.The source of outdoor noise worldwide is mainly caused by machines, transport, and propagation systems. Poor urban planning may give rise to noise disintegration or pollution, side-by-side industrial.
Importance Of Pollution Control. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into a natural environment that causes instability, disorder, harm or discomfort to the ecosystem i.e. physical systems or living organisms.(1) Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat, or light. Pollutants, the elements of pollution, can be foreign substances or energies, or.
Pollution control, in environmental engineering, any of a variety of means employed to limit damage done to the environment by the discharge of harmful substances and energies. Specific means of pollution control might include refuse disposal systems such as sanitary landfills, emission control systems for automobiles, sedimentation tanks in sewerage systems, the electrostatic precipitation of.
Sound pollution essay for kids and children. We have written the essay, having in mind the knowledge level of children from ages 6 to 15. It is helpful for kids of all classes (ranging from class 3, class 4 to class 8) who want to achieve good marks on noise or sound pollution essay. Introduction to Sound Pollution Essay. Sound Pollution or Noise Pollution is an environmental issue. It has.
Noise pollution can cause dilation in the pupils of the eye, which could interfere in ocular health in the later stages of life.. Sometimes, it is impossible to control noise at the source even if noise specifications are applied. Traffic is a distinctive example of this. Increasing numbers of automobiles cause cumulatively higher noise levels despite the achievements of car industry in.
Efforts taken to control noise pollution essay sample. You are definitely aware of the fact that such issue as noise pollution is very serious. Thus, people have been trying to do something about it so that to solve this problem. What is more, this issue has been highlighted very often as the idea is to attract the attention of the government to the problem. The most obvious and most effective.