Revising Your Essay - Mesa Community College.
Revising Your Paper WHY AND HOW TO REVISE Most of us who compose on a computer understand revision as an ongoing, even constant process. Every time you hit the delete button, every time you cut and paste, every time you take out a comma or exchange one word for another, you're revising.
Writing Revision Checklist. Displaying all worksheets related to - Writing Revision Checklist. Worksheets are The writers workshop one approach, Work outline for analyticalargument essays, Level 3 student text, Checking my work writing checklist, Student self edit checklist name date assignment title 4, Online companion workbook, Teaching playwriting in schools, Second and third grade writing.
Revision Worksheet Breaking it down to paragraphs:. 1. Docs your paragraph contain a topic sentence with a clearly stated controlling idea? Is it specific enough? 2. Have you provided enough information for your audience to understand your point? 3. Have you taken out any information that doesn't directly relate to the topic sentence? 4.
This quiz and worksheet allow students to test the following skills: Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information about the length of time it takes to finish. Information recall - access the knowledge you've gained regarding development of an essay Knowledge.
Here is a collection of our printable worksheets for topic Planning, Revising, and Editing of chapter Production and Distribution in section Writing. A brief description of the worksheets is on each of the worksheet widgets. Click on the images to view, download, or print them. All worksheets are free for individual and non-commercial use.
Tips for Revising First Drafts. After you have written your first draft, you will need to revise it. Read your draft carefully to make sure that it is well organized. Remember, an essay is a group of related paragraphs about one main idea. The introduction states the main idea. The body paragraphs contain the subordinate ideas that support the.
Editing vs. Revision. What is the difference between editing and revision? We often use the two terms interchangeably and yet there are some important distinctions. True revision requires seeing your writing from a completely different perspective which can be facilitated by another reader's comments and questions. Editing.